Stamp out smoking

Why Choose E-Lites?

Save money with E-Lite, Electric Cigarette Company60-75% CHEAPERSmoking an E-Lites electric cigarette will result in considerable financial savings. The equivalent of 20 cigarettes can cost as little as £1.50 and as current tobacco cigarettes retailing at £6.50 or more, the financial benefits are significant. A twenty a day smoker can save approximately £1,650 a year by converting to E-Lites!

Stamp out smoking with Low Tar E Cigarettes from E-LitesNO TOBACCO, NO TAR
E-Lites emulate the physiological and psychological process of smoking, yet contain NO Tobacco & NO Tar. E-Lites are available in different strengths so that you can continue to 'smoke' in your usual and familiar fashion but in a less harmful manner. We also provide refills in Menthol flavour. E-Lites don't give you Smokers Breath, one of the more personal but important benefits of being an E-Lites 'smoker'.

Why Choose Electronic Cigarettes? Smoking PermittedLEGAL - 'SMOKE' ANYWHERE!
E-Lites have NO TOBACCO and are never LIT in any way - Thus entirely avoiding ALL smoking restrictions. E-Lites allow you to completely circumvent the smoking ban & provide you or your customers with a legal & familiar way to enjoy smoking indoors. Our products are Guaranteed to replicate the smoking experience authentically. With E-Lites you get plenty of "smoke" and a delicious, sumptuous & smooth cigarette taste.

E-Lites E200 kit

E-Lites products are rigorously tested and subjected to both Quality Control & CE Assessment. E-Lites are Trade Marked and Globally Patented. As a UK based company we offer a comprehensive warranty on all of our range (see warranty link at bottom of page for full details). As market leaders we pride ourselves on our exemplary & rigorous standards.

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